Tuesday, July 1, 2008

9 Month Visit at 10 Months

I took DS to the doctor for his 9 month visit...which was actually a few weeks late, making it more like 10 months...
Growth Chart numbers are as follows:
Length: 30 1/2 in., 90th percentile
Weight: 22 lbs. 8 oz, 65th percentile
Head Circumference: 17 3/4 in, 35th percentile
Conclusion: Still tall, but weight and head circumference are evening out a bit...

Above I attempted to upload a video...this is my first video attempt, so let's hope it works for everyone...

DS was invited to play in his friend's kiddie pool. They had a grand time splashing. Now comes the challenge: Teaching him where it is appropriate to splash... In a kiddie pool on the padio: Fine! In the bathtub: Not fine!

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