Once again, it's high time I get some of these pics out before they get too backed up...
We had a wonderful week in California at Lake Tahoe. It was about a 10 hour drive, so we decided to split it up between 2 days. 10 hours is a lot of time to spend in a car, especially when you are traveling with a little one. DS actually did quite well...he slept a lot of the way, and when he was awake he was generally okay if he had biscuits or crackers to munch on...

We did quite a bit of hiking. Tahoe is a beautiful area with ski resorts all around. Naturally, it was much too warm to ski.
Ollie and Beau came along for the ride. They had a great time hiking, too. They were pretty mellow by the end of the week...It takes an awful lot of activity for them to get that way.

Here we are hiking on Mount Rose, the highest peak around the lake, overlooking Lake Tahoe. We were quite thankful for sunblock...

Still hiking on Mount Rose...it was quite a bit cooler than we had anticipated...cold enough for the snow to still be lingering...

Lunch break...

After long days of hiking, we enjoyed floating in the pool. DS is becoming quite the independent little man. He loved standing on the step by himself and splashing. If I got too close, he would push my hands away as if to say, "You're spoiling my fun, Mom!" However, occasionally, he would venture off the step that was shallow enough for him to stand. Then, he was quite glad I was close by! Silly boy.

Our resort had bikes we could borrow for a few hours...for free! Not being ones to ever pass up a free offer, we couldn't resist. :) We rode about 17 miles or so on a bike path that followed a creek...It was a pretty ride, but DS doesn't remember much of it since he slept most of the way.

We took a day off from hiking and went on a boat cruise around the lake. With the water being crystal clear and 98% clean, many people who live around the lake actually pump lake water into their homes to drink. I know that is a pretty good percentage, but I have to wonder about the other 2%.
DS is usually easily entertained, especially when daddy is wearing his funny hat! :)

Yet another hike up to a really beautiful place to sit and have lunch.
And DS took some time exploring one rock...
All in all, it was a really great trip, but we are happy to be home again. We have only lived in our house about 3 weeks in the past 7, so it has been nice to get settled back in and start to think about a normal routine again. And, tomorrow my classes start...Woo hoo!!!
On a more serious note, my dear grandpa passed away while we were exploring Tahoe. He was not well and was very much looking forward to "going home." Naturally, it was always hard to loose a dear family member, but we celebrate that he is no longer in misery and has reached his eternal home. We look forward to one day seeing him again!
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