DH is allergic to milk. And since there could possibly (nobody, including the medical field, knows for sure) be a genetic link, I was a little apprehensive about giving DS any dairy products. This morning I decided to face my fears. I gave him a cup of yogurt. It is now almost 3 hours later and so far so good! No emergency rushes to the hospital, no breaking out in hives, no severe diarrhea...I am hopeful!
Yesterday morning I was beside myself. At 9 months, DS hadn't figured out how to crawl. All he wanted to do was to stand or walk. The problem comes in when he doesn't know how to stand up himself, and he can't walk without taking my fingers with him, which starts to hurt after a while. These things he needs to learn! Instead of trying to figure it out, he throws an enormous fit...already showing signs of having a very strong will...

hmmmm, I wonder where he gets that from?? So, last evening, I finally had a "light bulb moment". I built a tower of toys, something I have done for him many, many times...he loves knocking over towers. Boy, did he start squirming, trying desperately to reach the tower. He was so proud of himself when he knocked it over. So I built another tower about a foot away...and he started squirming again until he reached the tower. And again, and again, and again. I was so excited! DS, on the other hand, was working very hard and was starting to get pretty worn out. After all, bed time was approaching as well. So, we headed to bed. He must have been quite worn out because this morning he slept in a whole hour. I don't remember the last time I was able to sleep in to 8:30! So now for the next stage: making sure he doesn't get into everything! Ah, the joys of parenting.
DS now has 4 teeth...but not the 4 that you would assume he would have. He got the bottom front two teeth first, which is relatively normal. Then, he got 2 top teeth at the same time, but not the front two.

The top left front tooth and the next one toward the back of the mouth are the two of choice. We have yet to see traces of the top right front tooth.
Beau has seen fit to hide. Not sure what the reason is, but we will occasionally see him peeking out at us from his various hiding places as if to say, "You can't see me!"
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