DS is now a vegetable eater. We started with carrots on Thursday, mixing it in with his cereal, which is pretty much just rice mixed with milk. Sounds good, right? Rice and carrots...and milk to wash it down. Well, we did the "4-day rule" before introducing sweet potatoes yesterday. The sweet potatoes definitely seem to go down easier then the carrots. (Like mama, like son, I suppose!!)

I invested in a really great book about making your own baby food called "Super Baby Food" by Ruth Yaron. It talks about making everything from your own cereals ("Super Porridge") and almost every fruit and vegetable out there and how to make them for babies. I have started doing a little bit of cooking and freezing little bits in ice cube trays for quick meals. I am looking forward to trying all the various forms of vegitation with DS. The greatest part is that it also gives me ideas of different things to try for "us big people" that I would never have thought of. For example, today was the first time I have ever cut open an avocado. I was pretty amazed at the size of the "seed", or "pit" or whatever the "proper" name for it is. Supposedly, it is pretty easy to grow an avocado plant, so I think I might give that a try. Guacamole, here we come! I was a little overwhelmed at first by all of the information, but DH reminded me to make one little change at a time and before we know it we will be a true Oregonian, living off the land!...or something. I thought I was a pretty healthy eater for the most part, but I am realizing there are a lot of ways I can make our diets healthier and more diverse (but still yummy!) and cheaper!
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