Monday, March 3, 2008

6-Month Visit

We headed off to the doctor's this morning for DS's 6-month visit. First of all, I was looking forward to what she had to say about the flat spot on his head after having been to PT and doing all the stretches, etc. for the past 2 months. She also seemed happy with his progress. She confirmed that we should continue the things we have been doing and it will be completely resolved in time. Yay for success!!

He got his 6-month round of immunizations. Still doesn't like to be stuck by needles...but who does?? He actually did pretty well this time.

Growth factors are as follows:
Weight: 19 lbs., 12 oz., 85th percentile
Length: 28 in, 80th percentile
Head Circumference: 17 1/4 in, 30th percentile
Conclusion: Slowed down growing a bit (which is normal at 6 months), but still huge.

He loves his squishy soccer ball--I believe he might have soccer in his future--I'd be okay with that. :) Problem is that Ollie and Beau like to steal it from him. He will have to work on his footwork a bit... For now, he's the guy that throws the ball in from the sidelines when it goes out of bounds...since that involves using your hands.

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