First is a matter of business: If anyone would like to automatically receive each new blog entry by email, please let me know (by leaving me a comment...click where it says "0 comments" at the end of this entry...and let me know what email address you would like me to use...FYI, it will not be posted on the blog for everyone to see for your security). DH keeps teaching me new things that these programs can do...It adds wrinkles to my brain. (PS. Wrinkles in your brain is a good thing...the more wrinkles you have in your brain, the smarter you are...DH has many, many wrinkles...and he just takes the time to putz around with it to figure it all out. ;)

Second order of business:
Happy Thanksgiving!!We spent the evening with some friends of ours that moved here this summer from Idaho. Since we were both family-less for the holiday, we got together for our own big turkey dinner. We had a lot of fun hanging out and playing some games. They have two children ages 1 and 3. DH and I kept thinking, "Pretty soon, Noah will be running around and making us laugh like this." It was quite fun. Noah got to wear his precious Thanksgiving outfit sent from his dear Aunt Susan.

Every person needs a happy-little-naked-baby picture of themselves in the bath tub to look back on...This one is "family-friendly". DS thoroughly enjoyed kicking and splashing in the bath tub this morning.

Amidst their jealously of our constant attention being saved for DS, poor Ollie and Beau have begun to console each other--when they aren't fighting over their bone, that is. They are not particularly enjoying the cold rain, but that is just something they will have to get used to.

I have been working hard at compiling all of our contact information for everyone that we know. Instead of having some information listed in one place, other info in another place, and many other peoples' contact info on pieces of scrap paper lying here and there, we decided to organize our lives a bit better using Google. (I really am liking the way Google has provided all kinds of tools to organize my life...and it is all free.) It has been a tedious process. At times, I felt like pulling my hair out...But, I think we are almost done. We may be asking some of you for some of your contact info. Just because we ask doesn't mean we don't already have it. It just means we can't find it right now. :)

And a couple smiley Noah pics for fun...
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