I have read that the sixth week of a baby's life tends to be the fussiest. DS has proven that to be true. I have searched many options in attempts to figure out what could be the problem. Is he getting enough sleep? Is he hungry? Do I need to add an additional feeding time? Perhaps he is reacting to something I am eating...
There are about a million different books out there with all kinds of different theories on how to respond and how to approach the whole parenting thing. The mission is to better equip new parents to respond in the healthiest way for the child to better promote brain development, blah, blah, blah. I have come full circle to the same conclusion I had before I was a parent: Babies eat, sleep, poop, and cry and that pretty much sums it up!

Seriously, different methods work for different people and in the end, they all turn out okay--eventually, by God's grace! For my sanity (after all, what would become of poor Noah if I was locked up in the loony bin!) I have adopted a "flexible routine" as is described in a book called
On Becoming Babywise that is written by a man named Gary Ezzo. It is backed by a lot of research and experience and the goal is to promote healthy eating and sleeping habits. In the book, he talks about discerning a baby's cry and taking the appropriate action. EASIER SAID THAN DONE! He also talks about how sometimes it is necessary to let your baby cry. That has been a rough piece of advice this week during his "fussy week". But, his sixth we

ek of life is almost over and after that it should start to get better...Of course, this is coming from a first-time-mom (of 5 1/2 weeks) who sometimes wonders what the heck she is doing and who has dreams that in her tired state she lays the baby down in bed and actually wakes up wondering where the baby is when all along, he has been sleeping safely and soundly in his crib! Suddenly, that loony bin seems like it isn't so far away...
The purple seat in the picture is called a Bumbo Seat...cutest thing ever!! He still needs to get a little more head control before he sits in the seat for long periods of time, but I just had to try it out...and he seemed to like it...until he got tired and started fussing again. :)
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