Friday, January 11, 2008

Growing by the Minute

We had our 4-month trip to the pediatrician the other day. Report is as follows:
Weight: 17 lbs., 7 1/2 oz, 90th percentile
Length: 26 3/4 in., 95th percentile
Head Circumference: 41 1/2 cm, 25th percentile
Conclusion: Still small head, but bigger than last time. Still growing quite (almost ridiculously) fast. Wearing 9 month clothes at 4 months...what kind of babies do they base these sizes on!?!

He got his shots. As expected, he did not appreciate being stuck. But, one day, he will appreciate being immunized and protected from various horrible diseases. Therefore, we press on. It didn't take him long to settle down and fall asleep in his stroller, indicating that he wasn't too incredibly traumatized.

Doctor was still a little concerned by the flat spot on his head. He still favors looking to the right and, as I had noticed one day in December, seems to have a slightly limited range of motion looking to the left. Doctor felt his neck muscles and confirmed that indeed, his muscles on the left side of his neck were less developed on the left and tighter on the right. She suggested we talk with the Physical Therapist to discuss exercises to help develop, strengthen and stretch the muscles. In the meantime, we keep him looking to the left as much as possible as he continues to favor the right. I have even started trying to get him to sleep on his left side some. Doctor suggested that we really want this to correct itself in the next 2 months or we may need to consider a "helmet" to help his head round out. Naturally, the earlier this problem is corrected, the better.

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