Friday, August 6, 2010

Working Man

I'm on a role! 2 days in a row...

Some of you have seen this already, but for those of you who didn't...

DS (2 1/2) helped out at the garage yesterday afternoon while our car was getting some routine maintenance. Specifically, the guy let him help grind some break pads for another vehicle that was in for repair. They paid him $2.00, which he wanted to spend on ice cream. So, we went out last evening for ice cream. On the way, he informed us that he was paying for his ice cream and we would be paying for our own. His ice cream was $1.55 and he proudly handed over the $2.00. He got the $.45 in change back to take home and put in his piggy bank. He was very pleased with himself.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Where is Jesus' house?

This afternoon, DS (2 1/2 years old now) asked me the same question that he has asked several times in the past few weeks, "Does Jesus have a bed?"
My response was, "Well, I don't think Jesus has a bed because he doesn't need to sleep."
Today, he pressed further, "Does Jesus have a bedroom?"
Me: "No, I don't think Jesus has a bedroom."
DS: "Does Jesus have a living room?"
Me: "You know what? Jesus has a really big, awesome house!"
DS: "Jesus has a really big, awesome house? Where is his house? Is it up in the sky?"
Me: "It is in Heaven, honey."
DS: "Where is Heaven?"
Me: "Man, these questions are getting harder..."

DS also loves to help out. This morning, he and I got a lot done together, folding laundry, pulling out clothes from the attic for baby brother, more laundry, pulling out all of my maternity clothes from my closet that I don't need anymore!, etc. Here is a picture from our trip back east of him helping Daddy and Grandpa trim the tree. Yesterday, he was helping me by entertaining baby brother, who was sitting in his little bouncy seat. DS was talking to him in "motherese" (p.s. That is an official term, I didn't make it up!) and baby brother was cooing and smiling back.

Currently, DS is with DH. They took the car to the shop for routine maintenance. Boy, was he excited to go. DH was pulling out some money to take along to pay for the work. DS disappeared down the hall and came back with a little pudgy handful of coins from his piggy bank. He was ready to pay for the work, too! Unfortunately, I don't think his $.73 would be enough. We convinced him that Daddy would give him the money to pay the worker man and that he could keep his "moneys" for another day. :)