Here's a post I wrote but never got around to adding pictures to post. We just got home from vacation, so you will soon get another post with pics from that...enjoy!! :)
I took a graduate class this semester. It was a Statistics class, and surprisingly, it was really fun. I started the class in January thinking that the material wouldn't be all that exciting, but the class is in preperation to later read and understand research articles and write my own dissertation. As the term was ending last week, I found myself wishing it wasn't over yet. I had really enjoyed it. Five years from now, I will probably laugh at that as I finish my doctorate and will most likely be ready to be finished with school again. One day at a chapter at a time...carpe diem...seize the day...
In the meantime, DS keeps me entertained. He repeats most of what I say and I have to watch what I say. He follows directions pretty well and loves to help out whenever possible. I find that if I let him help me, I often finish my task much quicker than if I try to distract him and do the task myself. And, he's so proud of himself when he can help. I'm looking forward to the day I can give him chores that I don't need to supervise. Perhaps he will continue to help with the same excitement...but I won't keep my hopes up.
On a more serious note, DS has no fear. While visiting a friend of ours who lives in a second floor appartment, I turned around just as DS was beginning to tumble down the steps...the whole flight of steps. "Oww, oww, oww..." he said every time he bounced before hitting his head on the door at the bottom. He cried for a couple minutes, but then was ready to go play again. That was several weeks ago. Now he is displaying a healthy fear of steps. So, I suppose I should be thankful it wasn't worse and he has learned from the experience; although, I still cringe at the thought of him bouncing down the steps and I can still hear his painful cry as I was running down the steps after him, but he was just out of reach..."oww, oww, oww..."
He has started climbing up on his changing table. I've walked in his room a couple times and found him sitting on top playing with whatever is sitting on the top of the dressor next to him. For fear that the whole table will topple over, it has been moved out of his room. I've not yet seen any signs of him trying to climb out of his crib...I imagine that won't be too far off yet. He has, however, started climbing onto the couch and taking a flying leap off unto the floor. He thinks its hysterical. When I tell him to stop, he laughs even harder and climbs back up as though it's a game with mommy now. Is there any such thing as a toddler strait jacket?
Yup, he's an active, healthy, normal toddler that you can't leave out of your sight for more than a couple seconds. He's exploring and learning as he should. What more could I ask for? It's a beautiful thing.