Well, I wrote the following almost a month ago and didn't get around to adding pics and posting until now. So, keep that in mind as you read. I know, I've been slacking in my updating efforts...
I realized it has been over a month since I wrote. I suppose an update is long overdue. I have been studying...and loving it. Even if I'm not accepted into the Doctor of Clinical Psychology program, I have learned quite a bit. My perspectives have been challenged and I am only a better person for it. It is funny how being out of school for six years gives you time to fall into certain thinking patterns that aren't so beneficial. I have sat in class many times now

feeling a little offended by the subject matter, only to realize that the reason I am offended is because these cognitive shortcuts and assumptions that people make have indeed become habitual for me, as well. These types of cognitive shortcuts are the basis of stereotypes and prejudices that cause serious hurt amongst the human race. The popular and yet despised psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud is quite famous for a lot of things, much of which I do not find worthy to be mentioned here. However, one aspect I appreciate is his emphasis on balance. Something that triggers a forceful emotional response may actually suggest an area where one struggles unconsciously, thus eliciting the response. Why do I get so offended or angered over certain ideas and topics? Maybe because I've got problems, too. ;)

About 3/4 of the way through the term, I welcomed a break!
DH's parents were here to visit for a few days. What a wonderful time of relaxing and spending time together it was! And, we finally got to the portrait studio to get
DS's one year pictures taken! I meant to do that when he actually turned one--2 1/2 months ago. I realized that if you don't do it when it is time, you miss your chance!! Of course, Grandma and Grandpa were excited to give
DS one Christmas gift a little early so they would be able to enjoy watching him have fun with it.
DS loves his new tunnel to crawl through. Of course, I am proud to say that I was actually the first one through the tunnel. (I even took it to Friend Finn's house today and they had a blast playing with it together!) Then, the weekend came to an end and they headed back east again. I love having family and friends come visit. I hate when they leave. I suppose you can't have one without the other. We are looking forward to our next break for Thanksgiving. Which is in about two weeks, believe it or not!
DS is living large and loving life! He is communicating, not necessarily speaking clearly, but communicating nonetheless. He loves to point to something so I can tell him what it is. A few of his favorites: ball, clock, light, dog, fish, Mamma's nose, blanket. And he still loves books. When he gets a little upset, I can tell him to go get a book and he will usually go sort through the shelf, pick out a book, bring it to me, crawl up on my lap, and listen intently as I read to him...and he usually wants to turn the pages himself. He has started trying

to feed himself lately with a spoon. He tries so hard and does pretty well. I am thankful for my LARGE bib with a pocket at the bottom to catch everything that misses his mouth. Let's just say it saves me a LOT of work!
It poured all day today. It is supposed to be worse tomorrow. DH said we are getting the affects of a tropical storm. Who knew?!? I suppose when you don't get any TV channels and don't read the newspaper, or even check the news online, you miss a lot--but I suspect that if there is something important enough for me to know, people will talk and I will hear it from someone. Perhaps it is not always a most accurate version, but how is that any different from the actual media?