Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Toddler Man

Okay, okay, I know I have bombarded you with posts in the past 2 weeks. But, here is a video clip DH caught Sunday evening. He then informed me, "If you would think it is blog-worthy, I would be honored." Yes, DH, I have classified it as "blog-worthy", so here it is!

Again, for those of you who receive my blog posts via email, you can go to the website to get the full video: notesfromthenorthwest.blogspot.com

Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Apparently, DS is now walking. Tuesday was my birthday, and one exiting thing that happened that day was that DS took his first unassisted steps. He has since been standing for longer periods of time and taking more and more steps. He stands and gets his balance, then looks at something, which he decides to go after. Then, off he goes. He has taken up to about 13 steps or so before plopping and crawling the rest of the way. He is quite a determined little man.

We've established that DS is not allowed to play in the dogs' water dish, so his determination to touch that water himself has started to fade. However, now the new fascinating activity is putting things in the water dish. We have recently had to wring out several of his toys. Ah yes, the world of a curious toddler!!

As an aside, last evening I was the closest I had ever been to going to the emergency room. Then, at about 3:30 am Saturday morning, I did. After a few hours of testing procedures and such, I was sent home with some antibiotics and a list of instructions that included "get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids". Let's just say, I was in a lot of pain, but now I am feeling much better. Today, I praise God for doctors!

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Crawl

And by popular demand...I was diligent in my videography-ing and have finally captured "The Crawl" on video. In this video, DS does have socks on, which seems to hinder his abilities slightly. With the warm weather, he usually goes barefoot. Again, for those of you who receive blog updates via email, you may go to the website to get the full video: notesfromthenorthwest.blogspot.com

Also, with the nice weather we have had recently, we have ventured out to the sandbox. DS seems to enjoy getting dirty. I suppose that means he is a normal kid.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Here is another video attempt. Again, for those of you who get blog posts via email, you will need to go to the web-site to view the video: notesfromthenorthwest.blogspot.com. My apologies for the fact that this video is sideways. I forgot that you can't do vertical video...only vertical still-shots. You will have to tilt your head...I guess I won't get any awards for best motion picture on this one.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Boy's Gone Camping

We decided to be brave and took DS camping for two nights. We went with a group from the university where DH works. It was a group of families that we have met throughout the year. We had a lot of fun. It reminded me of various camping trips I had gone on with my family when I was growing up. Only this time, I was one of the adults...having to help with meal planning, etc. But, I didn't let that added responsibility ruin my trip! :)

DS slept fairly well in the tent. I had been a little concerned that he might keep everyone awake, being that we were all sleeping in tents well in ear-shot range. But, he made me proud. He wasn't any louder than any of the other little ones in the group--at least from my perspective. And, I did get some much-needed sleep as well, so I can't complain.

DS loves to play in the dirt, we discovered. Having no bath tubs to use, his evening "wash-up" session included a wet-wipe wipe-down. I have come to be quite appreciative of wet wipes. Whoever invented those was a genious in my book.

Speaking of geniouses, DS is quite the little smarty pants. He has a toy with shape cutouts in the lid that you put the matching shape pieces through. I don't mean to brag (well, maybe I do) :), but he, at 10 months, has started putting shapes through the correct holes. He also has developed a passion for animals and balls...and the dog water dish. He loves to point at anything. That is his indication that I should take him there to examine it. And when I don't, he uses what has become labled as the "bear-crawl" or "monkey-crawl" where he is on all fours, but not hands and knees...he doesn't like using his knees, so he uses his feet instead with his little bum straight up in the air. Apparently, he thinks it is faster. Although, it is clear that he would much prefer to be walking. One day, little one, one day. You're not far off. He also likes to torture the poor puppies. He chases them and pounces. It is almost as if you can see them roll their eyes while thinking, "not again." They usually get up and walk away, which further encourages DS's game to again chase and pounce. He'll grow out of that game one day, boys, I promise.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

9 Month Visit at 10 Months

I took DS to the doctor for his 9 month visit...which was actually a few weeks late, making it more like 10 months...
Growth Chart numbers are as follows:
Length: 30 1/2 in., 90th percentile
Weight: 22 lbs. 8 oz, 65th percentile
Head Circumference: 17 3/4 in, 35th percentile
Conclusion: Still tall, but weight and head circumference are evening out a bit...

Above I attempted to upload a video...this is my first video attempt, so let's hope it works for everyone...

DS was invited to play in his friend's kiddie pool. They had a grand time splashing. Now comes the challenge: Teaching him where it is appropriate to splash... In a kiddie pool on the padio: Fine! In the bathtub: Not fine!