Well, it's high time I send out some pics. We had a nice 3-week visit to Pennsylvania. These are just a few of many highlights...for more pics from the trip, click on the link to the right of my blog page that says "DS's Photo Gallery". The 3 weeks flew by and before we knew it we were back to Oregon. We missed some people we had hoped to hook up with, but I am learning that is just life when you live so far away. Too many people, not enough time. We did, however, have a wonderful time with the family and friend visits we were able to work into the schedule. This first picture is my dear brother and his new bride...and party. It was a beautiful wedding and they had a nice trip to St. Thomas are now getting settled in their Virginia home...I wish them the best!!! (P.S. I can't wait to see the pics from the trip!)

We spent lots of time with my dear sister and her family, who came in from Africa to attend the wedding. This was such cherished time as naturally, we are by no means next-door neighbors! In fact, our time difference is 7 hours, which makes it challenging to even schedule phone calls when we are both awake. DS and his dear cousin Thomas enjoyed each other's company as they got acquainted.

DS loves books...especially when Grandma reads them!

They had some special moments sitting and reading together.


had a nice trip to NY to see DH's grandparents. This was their first time meeting DS, which was also very special!


re are just some fun play pics...more special times.

Cows. We had cows. Long story...enough said! :)

And this would be DS crashed out...He was quite worn out and ready to sleep in his own bed again when we got home...as were we. It was a wonderful trip, but it is always nice to come home again!