We headed out for a family-day field trip before heading back to PA for a family wedding and other family and friend visits. After rushing home from church and packing up some food, water, and anything else we just might need in the next 8 hours (We might need to buy a bigger car...never know what kind of storms may suddenly hit this time of year...), we took a nice
leisurely drive to a place called Silver Falls State Park.

When we got there, we made sure everyone's bellies were full and bladders were empty and off we went! We embarked on an approx. 8 mile loop that led us to 10 different spectacular waterfalls...not quite 7-wonders-of-the-world material like Niagra Falls, but spectacular none-the-less. Actually, there were more than 10, but the others were little bitty trickles compared to the 10 main ones.

DS enjoyed the day. He just rode along most of the time, enjoying the scenery. He started to get pretty warm at one point, so we stripped him down...hence "the buff." He was able to catch some cat naps as we went, but he seemed to wake up every time the trail led us right behind the waterfall where we caught a lot of mist and wind! My engineer husband was pretty excited about how the wind was caused by the water falling and pushing the air out of the way...he mentioned modeling it somehow...perhaps in a lab for one of his classes. I was fascinated, but slightly less enthusiastic. :)
We returned happy and exhausted, as all good family field days should end.