I guess you could say we've been staying busy. It all started a couple weeks ago when I was looking to make applesauce to can. We happened upon a lovely little ranch with a really sweet man named "Farmer Stan". He had several apple trees loaded with apples. He said, in essence, "Please come pick my apples because my horses are getting fat on them." So, my friend and

I headed over one morning to do some apple picking and about three hours later, we had about 200 pounds of apples...each. Farmer Stan was so nice! He had a tractor with a big bucket that he let us climb into, then he would raise it up so we were in the tree. Sure beats trying to use a ladder!
So, I spent two full days making and canning applesauce and

another full day making and canning apple butter. This was the first time I did all of that myself, so I was quite proud of myself by the end. Only problem is that I now have about 60 quarts of applesauce and I'm not sure that I want to see anything that has to do with apples for a while. I'm sure I will be glad for it during the winter.
At the end of the applesauce week, I headed into

Portland to take the GRE--that big standardized test to get into grad school--kinda like the SAT's, only much harder. There are three sections. I did pretty well on some of it. Let's just say that I will be taking them again and in the meantime I am studying lots of vocabulary words. Vocab has never been a strong point of mine, so I am seizing this opportunity to learn and grow. Of course, sometimes it takes a painful reality check to motivate certain learning and growing. Did I mention I'm going to be taking them again? :)

We had a branch on the tree that looked a bit gnarled. That and it was kinda laying on the wires. So DH took it upon himself to cut it down. He borrowed a ladder and pole saw and had great success. It looks nice now. I would like to draw your attention to his "safety helmet" in the picture...that is indeed a bike helmet. Better safe than sorry, I guess! :)
DH is back in full swing for his second year of teaching. It is going much more smoothly than last year.

That was to be expected. He has a whole new batch of students and a lot of gained wisdom from last year's growing pains. He's even finding time to play volleyball a couple times per week!
And of course, everyone wants to know about DS! What would my blog posts be without DS pics!?! He's doing quite well, now running around the house.

It is hard to keep up with him. I'm glad I don't have a bigger house! He's had a few cranky days lately. I suspect there are more teeth on the way to add to the 8 that he has now. He LOVES the phone. It is not typically an approved toy since he has called people in the past. But, every time he catches a glimpse of it, we have quite a meltdown. He loves to chase the dogs. Beau usually now runs from him and hides. Ollie, on the other hand, likes to give him kisses, which DS usually thinks is hysterical.

We have a new clock. Well, it's a bit of an old new clock. DH finished his HS wood shop project! It is quite impressive sitting in our little living room with it's elegant chimes and bongs. It's been admired by everyone that comes to visit...and their even more impressed when we tell them it is home-made--from scratch.
Classes are back into session for me, as well. I have two new classes this term: Personality Theory and Abnormal Psychology.

The first is interesting as it focuses on why people do what they do. The second is fascinating as it focuses on the various mental illnesses. Last evening we had a guest speaker that came to talk about schizophrenia. She, at age 30 and after a long history of psychotic issues, was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Now, being on a series of medications and with intensive cognitive therapy, she is able to have a relatively normal life and deal somewhat rationally with the irrational behaviors and experiences that come along with the condition. Talk about captivating! As I left class,

I knew my world view had changed a bit and I will never be the same because of it. I suspect I will have many such experiences with this type of subject matter.
The weather has cooled and the rains have started. The first few weeks are more sporadic with some hot days and some rainy days. In a few weeks, the sunny days will be considered rare and the soggy ground will be the norm. I have to say that I am ready for the cooler, rainy weather, and by spring, I will be ready for sun again. I love the changing seasons.